I do a lot of laundry.
I have gotten to where I expect Courtney and Chloe to put away the laundry - that is their job.
The other night I instructed the both of them to put away two baskets of laundry that were sitting in our upstairs hallway, before they went to bed.
Do you think they put away these two baskets of laundry?
Uh ... No.
So ... the next night, after they got home from their basketball game, Chloe came into my room and I said, "Thanks for putting away the laundry last night, like I asked."
She said, "Did you put one of them away?"
I didn't answer.
She then just kept on rambling and said, "I got up in the morning and one of the baskets was gone and I thought 'Did I do that in my sleep'" and she laughs. "I thought, 'Hey, I'm cool.'" Then she went on to say, "Courtney asked me if I put one of them away and I said, 'I think I did - in my sleep,'" and she laughed again - truly believing this craziness could really be possible (what is the matter with their brains?).
I didn't tell her that I put away one of the baskets - she knows I must have. Either that or she really believes that she did do it in her sleep - because she is so cool that way - and has magical nocturnal powers ... (*HELL-O - IS THERE ANYONE IN THERE?*).
On the upside ... I didn't really put away the other basket - I merely moved all the laundry into ONE basket, because I needed the basket in the laundry room (*throws head back and lets out a wicked laugh*). They still have the exact same amount of clothes to put away as they did to start with. HELL-O, WHAT DO THEY THINK I AM ... A PUSH-OVER?