Alexis often has a Word-Of-The-Month. This is a word ... that she decides she loves and then therefore uses quite often.
Lately, her word is ... apparently.
Last year, about this same time, I remember that her favored phrase was by-the-way. "By the way," she would say, "I need a new pair of shoes." Or, "By the way ... did I eat lunch yet?"
It's fun to watch her use these favorite words, as she will use them many times throughout the day. She will try to make sentences where she can specifically use her special word. Sometimes she uses the word correctly, and sometimes not. For a while, she tried to use the words possible and impossible - but, found it impossible to distinquish the difference and so therefore ceased using either. I'm not sure if she ever figured out the difference - I should probably check with her on that.
I'm impressed with her choice of the word apparently. It's a good word. It's a big word for a six year old. It's a word that can be used a lot of different ways. "A.P.P.A.R.A.N.T.L.Y ... you didn't hear what I said!" Or, "Apparently, I misunderstood you ... so sorry.' Or, "I'm lost ... apparently, I missed my turn." You know ... it's a good word that she has found lots of sentences to use it - in. She is very pleased using this word.
The other day, I heard her use apparently several times, and I don't recall all the sentences she used the word in, but I do remember one. She said, while she and my niece were walking out of my room, nearly trampling each other to death to see who could get through the door first (always a race around here), "Oh ... she stepped on my toe," and she looks at me for sympathy and when she realizes she is really not hurt or decided to change her mind about being upset because she saw my face (*mom with look like I don't want to hear it on her face*), she says, "Apparently ... I didn't cry," and giggled and went on her way.
On the upside ... And it was a good thing! Because ... APPARENTLY, she almost forgot who she was dealing with!