My father reminded me of a story recently. A story about my mother.
One day, my mother went to the grocery store. She came home, took a load of groceries up to the forth floor (of our temporary housing - apartment), set the groceries on the floor outside the door of our apartment and then went back to the car. She then brought the second load of groceries back to the third floor and when she came up to the door of our actual apartment, she screamed to her family that someone had stolen her groceries. They ... of course ... were still sitting on the forth floor.
My mother is a hoot. She's always been this way ... not so much scattered brained ... but a little loopy sometimes. We love her for that.
The other day, on the way to my son's football game, my mother road to the game with me. At some point she said, "There's been news reports about that flesh eating virus (I say, "Oh no ... here we go with the new reports" ... in my head) here in San Antonio," and then she pauses and I say, "Uh, huh," because I know what is coming next (she's going to say that it's germ warfare) and then she says, "I think it's germ warfare," in a tone that says "And you know I'm right about this." I say, "I know," (in a tone that says "You are watching too much news"). That discussion drops.
Then ... she proceeds to morf into her alter-ego "Madam Tour Guide". This is where she starts to point out all the new buildings going up, the streets under construction, the buildings being torn down, the store she'd heard about, the neighborhood a friend of hers lives in, the route she used to take to get to the airport, the beauty of flowers in someones yard, the size of a magnificent tree or the restaurant she'd really like to try. The tour goes something like this:
"Would you look at that! I heard they were moving that JCPenny over here. I haven't been on this side of town in along time. There used to be a French restaurant somewhere right around here that Milly and I ate at once; Oh, look ... there it is ... right there ... on the corner. What was the name of that building? (I dunno) I heard they were putting a new spa over here. Now look ... what they're doing there - is that a new mall? I can't believe they are building another mall. What used to be there? (I dunno). Did you see that beautiful flower bed in that yard? I've never seen such beautiful flowers. Is that the way you get to the zoo? (I dunno). What. Is.That? Is that a new school? Now when did that go up? (I dunno).
I swear! This happens every time she gets into the passenger seat of any car. It is like being on a tour bus ride - only there isn't really any information being given that I truly care about or of any historical value to anyone - well, maybe sometimes.
On the upside ... My mother lives in a one story house now. It's really only the four story structures that she has trouble with ;)
And ... fortunate for us San Antonian's, I don't believe it was germ warfare - not this time - just the flesh eating virus - that's all.
(*You know I love ya Mom*)