Alexis is in the bath tub and I am washing her hair.
Suddenly, she asks, "Can you name all the holidays?"
I say, "I can name most of them. There's Valentine's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, The 4th of July, St. Patrick's Day ..." she stops me.
"We don't celebrate that one," she says, referring to St. Patrick's Day.
"No we don't - and we're not gonna," I say very quickly.
"But why?" she is so confused.
"We have enough holidays to celebrate," is all I say.
"What if I want to?" she asks naively, thinking she actually has a choice in this matter.
"You are welcome to - when you no longer live in my house," I wrap her head in a towel and walk out of the room. (*cue 6 year old whining that lots of other kids get to celebrate St. Patrick's Day because they have nice moms, boo-hoo*).
I can barely keep up with the holidays I understand - I'm not inclined to add one I really don't. Now... I know it has something to do with being Irish and shamrocks and leprechauns - that's all I really know about it - that and the fact that we have never celebrated it. Nope, I'm not hanging any shamrocks and she can't make me.
A short while later ... she wanders into my room, pulls herself up on the chair at my desk and begins to play a bit on my computer. I say, "Please don't hit my printer with your feet."
She looks at me and starts to cry, "Everyone is always mean to me. Nobody likes me. I'm just like that kid in Home Alone," and she slides pathetically off my chair, hangs her head, and walks very slowly and dramatically out of my room.
I can hear her in her room mumbling about holidays and mommies not liking her ... poor baby.
On the upside ... Okay, okay, okay ....... I'll hang some da** shamrocks .....