I walked into the school wearing my jeans, t-shirt and tennis shoes. I signed in at the office, stuck on a yellow Volunteer sticker on my chest and made my way to my daughter's classroom. I peeked in the door and found that the class was empty, just as I had expected. I grabbed the pile of red Friday folders, positioned a teeny-tiny chair next to the slot-thingy that holds the work papers for all the kids in the class and began my Friday duty - filling the Friday folders - as I have done for, oh ... every single Friday for two months. I am ... The Friday Folder Girl.
As I am sitting, filing memos sent from the office, scored spelling tests, scored math work and beautiful first grade art work, diligently, into each of the children's folders ... the door swings open right next to where I am sitting. Keep in mind, I am on a very tiny chair and sitting practically on the ground when I look up. I see a woman I do not recognize, and she is surprised to see me. I do not say a word.
She says, "I'm here ... are you ... why are you doing the Friday folders?"
I am confused. I am sad for her that she is obviously confused. I say, "What?"
She steps into the classroom. I am now convinced that she too, is a mother, and she says, "I am here to do the Friday folders."
I am just watching her, trying hard not to laugh, because she has obviously not heard that ... I am The Friday Folder Girl. And ... I am confused as to why she is here. Have I been replaced? I can't be replaced. I'd been doing the job for 8 weeks, talked many times with the teacher and never once been informed that I had been replaced. It just doesn't work like that. Once you sign up to volunteer for something - it's your job. You can't REALLY be replaced. I was confused. I said, "What?"
She, the other mom, was now pacing and out of breath, as she had obviously RUN to get to the classroom and finding me there ... well, caught her off guard. She said, again, "I thought I was going to do the folders," this time in a more agitated tone.
I wasn't saying much. I was still sitting in the squatty chair, still working as she was pacing and talking and all I could do was watch her odd behavior and think to myself - "But ... I'M THE FRIDAY FOLDER GIRL! I'VE BEEN DOING IT FOR 8 WEEKS. I'M STILL DOING IT - SEE ... I'M SITTING HERE DOING IT - LIKE I'VE BEEN DOING FOR 8 WEEKS." I was just at a loss for words. I wanted to say these things, but her behavior was so peculiar, sort of fidgety and nervous - as if she was angry that I was there. I eventually stood up ... so as to be taller, and said, "I do the Friday folders," in a tone that said, Back off, you are acting peculiar.
She then stepped further into the classroom and said, "Well, maybe I could help you."
I DON'T need help. I've been doing Friday folders as long as I can remember for one teacher or another and the last thing I want, is to encourage this woman any further to believe that she is somehow going to "replace" me or "help" me now, or anytime. But I say, "Okay."
She helped me that day and then I e-mailed the teacher inquiring what was going on. The teacher informed me that she was very happy with me doing the Friday folders, that I was always so punctual and accurate in my work (it's not that hard), but there were a few mothers that asked to volunteer and so she suggested that maybe they could split the Friday folder duty with me. Okay, so I agree to call the other mother and set up a schedule (every other week set-up...). I don't like the new schedule, as I'd rather just know that I am expected to go in every week, than have to remember which week is mine, is this week okay for you, blah, blah, blah. But, I do it. The following week when I show up for my Friday, the teacher informs me that no one did her folders the previous Friday, because ... the other mother never showed up. No kidding?
I told the teacher that I would just keep on coming every Friday from then on out - because I am ... The Friday Folder Girl! And I did.
I don't know whatever happened to that other mother - why she never showed up again. She vanished back into the volunteer black hole as strangely as she had crawled out of it. I saw her a few times at class parties and such, but we didn't talk. I was okay with that .
On the upside ... I don't particularly like all the volunteering and stuff, but I do my share. I choose the jobs I want to do and that has to be enough to satisfy my kids, the schools and my guilt. When I'd thought I had been replaced by a younger, more limber mother ... I was prepared to fight, because ... I am THE FRIDAY FOLDER GIRL! It was a good thing it didn't come to that (*giggle*).