Alexis and I are in the car, riding on the way to the grocery store.
She says, "Audrey is going to Vegas." Then she says, "She's not really going - I'm just going to pretend she is."
I say, "Why?"
She says, "Just cuz." Then she says, "You get lost in Vegas," not really talking to me, just sort of a statement.
But, I say, "Why?"
I see her face in the rearview mirror, her eyes squinting a bit and her head cocked sideways and she says, "LOST Vegas - Duh."
Silly me.
Then she begins to talk about the book she is reading at school, called The Bus Driver From The Black Lagoon. She says, "Lagoon," and then giggles. "Lagoon ... lagoon ... lagoon. I like that word. Lagoon ... la..goon ... l.a.g.o.o.n ... la..goooon ... lagoonnnnn, "she goes on for about twenty lagoons.
(*mom's eyes temporarily cross and imaginary stars floating above mom's head*)
I didn't dare ask her what this book was about - some things I just have to leave alone ...
On the upside ... Maybe that bus driver is cruising along and loses her way ... drives right off the road into a black lagoon - in Lost Vegas. I don't know. But ... I. Know. How. She. Feels!