I have never really met anyone famous.
How can I be as old as I am, and never have met anyone - famous?
Maybe it is because I am not very observant or that I am slow moving.
At Alexis' gymnastics class recently, I was sitting in the waiting area and noticed three women talking. They were sitting in the row of chairs just in front of me. One of the women (a rather athletic looking type, with brown hair, small build, tanned skin, busty chest and beefy arms), suddenly pulled out a little flier and handed one to each of the other two women. Being the nosy-body that I am - I peered over their shoulders to see what it was.
Guess what it was? You could not possibly guess, so I will tell you. It was this flier like thing that had the "beefy" woman's picture on it - her, and all THE SURVIVOR CONTESTANTS FROM THE SECOND SEASON (I think she said the second season - I'm really not sure)! It had all their names and pictures on this glossy flier with the Survivor logo right at the top.
There she was (I didn't catch her name because I was too slow to jump into the conversation and ask) ... a real-live, reality TV star - right there in the gym just waiting for her kid to finish gymnastics. I know ... it wasn't like it was Madonna or Ellen DeGeneres - but, she was sort-of a famous person.
I watch Survivor. I haven't watched every single season, and I must have missed the season she was on, because I didn't recognize her at all. I kept staring at her - trying to place her and it never happened. And ... I guess, she didn't do all that well after the show, as there she was sitting in that stinky gym ... with the rest of us nobodies.
On the upside ... I often imagine that I could be a contestant on Survivor. I think I have the stuff. Well ... aside from the fact that the one thing I would have to bring (when they give you a choice of bringing only one thing from home) would have to be a can of Pantene hair mousse. I could still eat bugs, build a shelter, make fire, dive off cliffs, traipse through mud with a giant boulder on my back, put together jungle puzzles, live with the mosquitoes and spiders and snakes and monkeys and wild hogs ... I'd just have to have my mousse, so my hair would look big on TV. I've thought this all out ...