I know - I haven't posted in a few days and I have had several e-mails asking where I am. It's not like me to go days without posting and visiting.
Do you see this cat and his bad hair? That's exactly the way I feel - and look - lately.
I have a very dear aunt that has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and I love her so much and can barely handle the idea of all she is going through and the thought of losing her. My heart is overwhelmed with sadness - for myself - for her family - for my mother. My mother left over the weekend to be with her sister in Indiana. Your prayers would be most appreciated.
My kids. As most of you know, I have two teenagers in high school, a son just starting middle school (6th grade) and little Alexis in 2nd grade. They are all going in a million different directions and I am right there with them - trying to keep up and trying my best to help them with their studies and activities. Not to mention my obligations on the PTA board and the committees I am involved with.
I have a bad cold and am miserable.
My house is in serious need of a thorough spring cleaning that I never got around to doing - in the spring! And so ... I've been cleaning closets - ugh! My yard has also been neglected and so I am spending some time cleaning up flower beds and trimming shrubs.
My cowboy husband - well ... let's just put it this way - we have not danced much lately!
I have got to take a little time away from blogging. Not only because of the stresses in my life right now, but because I need a break. I doubt it will be a long break, as I can't seem to stay away too long - but, for as long as it takes to de-frazzle some of the stress and chaos going on in my life!
I have drafted a post for Photo Story Friday and plan to publish it on Friday - if you would like to come back and read it. It's a little silly, but I got to practice using my Canon to take the photos for the story and ... to support MamaGeek and Cecily - whom I love - I plan to go ahead and publish that story (it's titled, Interview With A Flat Girl).
Thanks so much to all of those that were concerned and checked in on me by leaving comments or sending e-mails - I really appreciate it! Take care and I'll see you soon.