Fashion Models + Me

These KEDS Were NOT Made For Walking

I've mentioned before that I am a ... list maker.

Lots of lists.

Lots of stuff to do.

One of the mental lists I have going right now in my head is the Kellan Needs To Do List.

It is different from my other To-Do lists in that it has only to do with those things I know I need to START doing or those things I need to STOP doing - you know. Like how I need to stop saying the word sh*t every time I drop something. That has been on my Kellan Needs To Do List --- for YEARS!

Still doin' it!

Need to STOP!

So ...

Currently on my Kellan Needs To Do List is ...

  • I need to START getting up earlier in the mornings.
  • I need to STOP being so fat.
  • I need to START walking.
  • I need to STOP eating so many daggum RED HOTS!

So ...

In an attempt to address all of these current issues - try to get myself to get moving and motivated to address these problems ...

I went ...


I went to ROSS.

I got up early ...

Skipped breakfast and left my jar and bags of RED HOTS at home, and ...

I WALKED all over that store!

Okay ...

I did buy some sneakers ...

You know ...

For walking (*Kellan's heart begins to race at the sheer thought of actually ever having to go on a real walk - for exercise - *gasp* - *shortness of breath* - *gasp*).

After I bought my new pair of tennies ... I went back and bought me another pair.

Now, I have two pairs ...

Of brand spanking new KEDS.

I do love a brand spanking new, really white, clean new leather - pair of tennies. I do love KEDS. I got a deal on these KEDS at Ross and could not resist buying a second pair.

Now, they are beautiful and they are clean and fit really well, but ...

These KEDS are NOT made for walking!

I know that.

I know that these are not proper walking footwear attire.

These are not walking sneakers.

I don't care!

They are cute.

And ...

I am not investing in a pair of serious walking shoes until ...

I actually begin to ...


For now ...

I am walkin' around in my KEDS.

I put them on my feet and walk everywhere in them - see ...

Here I am - walkin' around my room.

Here I am - walkin' from my bedroom out onto my deck.

Here I am in my car on the way to the dentist office.

Here are me an my KEDS arriving at the dentist office.

Here we are in the dentist office waiting room - me and Alexis and my new KEDS!

One day ...

I might actually walk away from my house ...

Into the neighborhood ...

Down roads and paths and sidewalks and ...

I might even work up a bit of a stride.

A bit of a sweat.

Maybe even work on my form.

*tee hee - Kellan begins to work up a sweat just thinking about ... working up a sweat*

On the upside ... I'm working on it! I'm taking baby steps - in my KEDS. What I really need to do next is ... just get out there and go walking *gasp*. Or ... better yet --- go shopping again. Put on those pretty new, white KEDS, walk out to my car, drive across town to Marshalls, walk right in and and buy myself some cute new ... walking clothes.

*hear off in the distance the entire On The Upside family laughing their heads off*

LIFE, and more:

These KEDS Were NOT Made For Walking + Me