Yesterday I was visiting Postcards From the Mothership and found the most wonderful post about DaniGirl's brother. The comment I left on that post was:
I was so touched by this post (and love the picture too) - what a tribute to your bother! I am also close to my brother (we happen to live right next door to each other - long story). This morning at church he was sitting down from me, three people away on the pew. At one point I leaned way over (as he was sort of leaned over) and I stared at him until he finally looked up. He knew I was trying to get his attention and waited until just the right moment to let me see his eyes. When our eyes met - we laughed (in a quiet church way). It was a simple moment - but I loved it. Sometimes I just love that "he" loves me - you know. And that he "gets" me. You are lucky to have this relationship with your brother - I think we are both lucky!
I did love this moment between my brother and I. And the moments that followed when we spent lunch together - his family and mine.
Sometimes I think it is these sort of tiny moments that sustain me. These pure and simple moments. Moments when ... I search out my brother and he smiles at me, laughs with me ... acknowledges me.