These are my twins when they were five years old. They are telling a secret (who knows what). I love these pictures. I was lucky to catch this moment.
They are much the same now - my precious girls. They are very close and treasure their twinship. I have tried very hard to impress upon them how special this unique relationship is and one of the things I am most proud of is that I did it in such a way (apparently) that they believe it. I can't say that for everything I have tried to teach them - but if they got this one thing - that's something.
Twins are a strange phenomenon. People find them fascinating. I believe they are God's way of saying, "You want to see a miracle - look at this." My twins are a miracle. All twins are miracles.
I love that my twins love each other. I don't think I taught them this and that is why it is so special. You can't make someone love another person. They just do - truly.
It is a bond - a kinship - a relationship - a love ... that few people will ever know. Such ... that only twins know. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have that? To have someone that is truly yours. Someone God meant you always to be with, to be near? Someone that will always put you first? Someone that knows your thoughts and desires? Someone that believes in you and laughs at everything you say? Someone that loves you completely and unconditionally?
That is the bond my girls have. From birth until the day they die - they will always have each other - in a way that only they can appreciate. I have often told them, "This is something that is unique to only a few. It is a gift. Take this gift and cherish it. Never take this gift for granted."
They are 15 years old now. They've gotten to where they call each other "Twin". People get a kick out of this (their teachers), as they think that some twins would rather distract from or dismiss this obvious connection. But ... not my twins. They enjoy it. They are proud of each other.
I like to think that the secret they are telling each other in these photos is, "You are my best friend .... I am lucky to have you and .... I will love you forever."