Fashion Models + Surviving My Life

I Am Livin' On The Edge

I am a planner. I am an organizer. I am a control freak (there, I said it).

I knew I had to go to the dentist, Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 10:00 a.m., since way back in September. It was on three different calendars. I have been keeping a mental note (other control freaks know this technique) of this appointment for, oh... six weeks. In other words, I knew this appointment was coming.

So ... this morning, I get up and get dressed (another upcoming post under the title, I'm Too Sexy For These Shoes). I do a few morning chores (wash dishes, make a few beds, put in a load of laundry) - piddle around on the computer a bit, get some coffee, feed the cats and dogs, water a few plants ... and then ... RAN AS FAST AS I COULD TO MY CAR ... BECAUSE I'M ABSOLUTELY GOING TO BE LATE FOR THIS DENTIST A.P.P.O.I.N.T.M.E.N.T!!!!

I get in my car and pray the prayer I always pray, "Please let there be gas in my car. Please let there be gas in my car. Plleeeaassse let there be gas in my car," and ... like every single time before that I have prayed this prayer ... there was no gas in my car (*pathetic sigh - slump down in seat*). I was sitting on the BIG "E" and ...

it was 9:57 a.m!

And this would all be okay ... if my appointment were, say ... just down the street. But, noooo ... I know it is going to take me at least fifteen minutes to reach the dentists' office and that is only if I don't run into any traffic and if ... I had gas in my car (*sigh*).

I am a planner.

I am an organizer.


But ... I can't get anywhere on time!

Because ... I am also a doddler (those who waste time). I doddle. I'm a doddler that ... likes to LIVE ON THE EDGE.

I like to see just how far that car will go before it will actually run out of gas (hasn't happened yet) - because that's just the way I am ... I like to LIVE ON THE EDGE.

I like to see if can actually make that trip that would take twenty minutes - in three minutes ... because that's just the way I am ... I like to LIVE ON THE EDGE.

I didn't stop for gas - too frightened I'd have been even more late (*lowers head pathetically*).

I was very late (*sigh of humiliation*).

On the upside ... I made it all the way there running merely on fumes. One day I am going to run out of gas (the odds are leaning heavily towards this happening) and when my husband has to come to help me and he asks, "Hon, why didn't you put gas in your car?" I will simply say, "Because that's just the way I am ... I like to LIVE ON THE EDGE."

*Note: All that dust on my dash, in that clock picture ... is really there on the clock, on the dash of my car. I guess I need to doddle out there sometime with my trusty Swiffer Duster and dust all that dust off.

Life, and more:

I Am Livin' On The Edge + Surviving My Life