The Princess announced, "I want to be a rock star or an artist when I grow up." And then, with a worried look on her face, she said, "But ... I don't have the clothes to be an artist."
Like she is sooooooo dressin' like a rock star - now!

This is a picture of the Princess swimming. Look at her bloodshot eyes (that's from too much chlorine in the water). And look at her beautiful swimsuit (gotta have one of those - with matching swim shoes ... I guess). And the black things in the water with her are, uh ... sharks maybe - I'm not sure).
On the upside ... At least I'm teaching her all the important stuff and she's got all her priorities in order - I'm such a gooooood mother).

Here I am ... the "goooood" Mom. Look at my rosey cheeks and nice long eyelashes. Look at my nice "thin" cross-shaped body with the orange dress on and pink braclets. And look - I'm waving, "Bye kids. See you after school." It's the exact likeness of me - The Princess is quite the artist!