I really wish I could say that my precious Princess got out her box of markers, positioned a nice clean piece of paper in front of her, thought out the exact perfect idea in her little mind and drew this beautiful picture for me, out of the kindness of her heart.
But ... not today.
This was most certainly a "I-need-to-make-mommy-a-really-nice-picture-cuz-she-is-so-mad-at-me" masterpiece. Ohhhhh yes! See all the "Moms" - I count 21.
This is make-up art.
She was on a role today!!!
On the upside ... tomorrow is another day. It is a beautiful picture (it melted my stone-cold heart). And ... through it all (the whining, the crying, the yelling, the screaming, the nasty looks, the mean words, the bold attempts to slam the door, the kicking tantrum on the floor ...) I never ... not even for one single second ... stopped loving her.