Fashion Models + Surviving My Life

Green, Green ... Everywhere

These days, we hear a lot about being "green". Are you green? Is your car green? Are you practicing being green? Is your house green?

I just want to announce: I have a green house. Look how green my house is (and these are just some of the rooms). I have green on the walls, in the bedding, in the furniture, in the candles, in the rugs - everywhere! My kitchen cabinets are green! We definitely have a green house.

You would think - all the green I have splattered all over my house - I would understand "being green". But I really don't. And I am certainly not practicing it - not really.

Oh ... I have changed a few light bulbs (to those screwy lookin' ones), I turn off the lights ("Turn off the lights. Did you turn off the lights? Why am I the only one that ever turns off the **** lights? Go back and turn off your light."). I definitely stay on top of turning off the lights (my dad drilled this habit into me years ago). I also have unplugged some lamps we never use. And, I recycle the grocery bags and gift bags (most any bag). I think that's all I do.

I'm still drivin' an obnoxiously large van - that's not "green". I'm definitely still using hairspray - I'm sure that's not "green". I have never been diligent about recycling cans or plastic or paper - that's not "green". I don't think - I'm "green" yet.

I want there to be a good world (eco-stable) for my kids and their kids - I do. I believe I should do my part. I believe we should all start to do our part. I don't really know what I am waiting for.

On the upside ... when anyone asks me if I have a "green" house, I'm not really lying when I say I do - there is GREEN everywhere! (I know, I know ... it doesn't count).

*Note: I have no idea how to add more than one picture. Right now ... pictures are just going where they want (hence the lovely layout above). I'll figure it out - eventually.

Life, and more:

Green, Green ... Everywhere + Surviving My Life