The phone rings.
I answer it.
The woman - what sounds like a soft, computer generated voice - says, "Do you have a - deer in your pool?"
My mind says, Well that's odd, but my mouth answers, "Why yes we do," in response to this survey question, because ... WE DID HAVE A DEER IN OUR POOL!
I say, "Who is this?" and my friend - we'll call her Fifi - says, "It's me, Fifi." I laugh out loud.
I explain that I found it strange that a survey company would be calling my house - asking this odd question - but, I could have sworn when I heard her voice that it sounded so smooth - so strangely computer-like. I told her I half expected her to continue by asking, "What do you plan on doing about that?" or some other question, in a very survey-like manner.
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