I do love a pair of 3" high-heeled shoes.
I love Waitress-Red lipstick.
I have my nails done every two weeks - filed and buffed to acrylic perfection.
I wear my hair poofed up as big as it will go and then spray it with a ton of hairspray - BIG HAIR!
I wear rings on 4 fingers - sometimes 6 or seven and I wear earrings - the bigger and gaudier - the better.
I wear necklaces and bracelets and belts that dangle and shine!
I like polka-dots and bright pink and teal. I love RED!
I wear Obsession, Safari, Dune, Anais Anais and Tresor - on my neck, in my hair and up my skirt.
I like flowers on my dresses and skirts that flow all the way to the floor.
I like sandals in every style and color.
I like Rhinestones!
I like sequins.
I like pearls and diamonds and gold.
I like gems and feathers and beads and crystals - if it dangles or shimmers - I want it on the front of my shirt, on my shoes or purse or jeans.
I wear make-up.
I like bras and matching panties.
I like purses and bags and clutches.
I know what all these things say about me ...
They say ...
That I am a GIRLY GIRL!
What I don't know is ...
What ...
This ----

Says ...
About me??
But ...
I love the theme song ...
I love the boats and crab ...
I love the dirty, foul-mouthed, rotten toothed, crab-fishing - GUYS ...
I love everything about this show!
On the upside ... It says something about me - I'm just not sure what. But ... I often change into my black and red polka dot, silk pajamas, crawl under the sheets and down comforter of my nice cozy bed, fluff the pillow behind my head of BIG HAIR ... and I am swept quickly out to sea, to the deck of a crab boat, in the arctic sea ... watching these men fish for crab.
I have loved Dallas and Knots Landing, I have loved Star Trek, I have loved Seinfeld and I have loved Sex And The City! Right now ... I love THE DEADLIEST CATCH!