I'm not a great mother.
I'm NOT!
I swore - SWORE - that when school let out, I would be getting to bed at a reasonable hour every night and therefore that would insure the rising in the mornings at a reasonable time.
I swore - SWORE - that I was going to make sure my children would get to bed at a reasonable hour every night and therefore that would insure the rising in the morning at a reasonable time.
I swore - these children would not wander around with messed up hair, dirty teeth and clothes they wore from the day before.
I swore - I would make breakfast and lunch and dinner - in a timely manner - keep everyone on a meal schedule to avoid all the ridiculous GRAZING in the refrigerator and pantry.
A few days ago ...
Sweet Alexis made herself a bowl of Captain Crunch cereal.
I saw her in the kitchen - standing on a stool to reach the bowls in the upper cabinet and then watched as she then wandered over to the refrigerator to retrieve the milk.
I left the room before she ate that bowl of cereal, but ... I know she ate it.
About 15 minutes later ... she came to my room.
She looked at the clock ...
She said, "Is it morning or afternoon?"
I looked at the clock, "It's lunch time - it's almost noon," I smiled into her dirty little face.
"It's time for lunch?" she questioned.
"Yes," I answered and then went back to what I was doing, not worried for her, as she had just eaten Captain Crunch. As she was walking out of my room, I asked, "Where are you going?"
She looked over her shoulder ...
She rolled her eyes ...
She said ...
"I'm going to make me some lunch."
(*loser mom hangs head in shame*)
On the upside ... I went down and made her some fish sticks and french fries - that way if we missed dinner (odds were good) - she would have already of had ... that ... meal ... (*sigh*)