Little Billy came in from school and dropped his backpack by the front door. On his way to the kitchen I asked, "How was school today, Little Billy?"
He opened the door to the refrigerator, stood in front of it and said, "Horrible."
I said, "Why?"
Then he said, "No - not really. It was great! It was exhilarating." And then he peeked his head into the refrigerator.
I looked over and could only see his back, as his body was behind the door and I said, "It was?" And laughed. "Do you know what exhilarating means?"
He peeked out from behind the refrigerator door, looked over at me, cracked a little smile and said, "Not really."
He grabbed the jug of milk and closed the refrigerator door and then said, "I used a big word on the bus today." He plunked the milk jug up on the counter. "So-and-so always feels the need to protect me - you know - because I'm small and all - he was saying something about how my parents wouldn't let me go to see SAW IV (which they WILL NOT, by the way!) because I'm too little and I said to him, 'Just because I'm little, doesn't mean I'm _______ (fill in blank with big word he supposedly used - but now can not remember - he thinks it might start with a P and means - 'not as small and useless as you think I am').
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