We are in the car driving home from Applebees on a Friday evening.
There is not much discussion going on in the car - we are all quiet and just listening to the music playing on the radio.
My husband suddenly interrupts the silence, turns to me and says, "How's the blogging going? How's the blog?"
I shake my head, indicating all is okay and then I say, "It's going alright - pretty good."
"What have you been doing lately - anything new?"
"No - not much," I snicker. "I did do that interview on TV, you know?" I look over at my husband and smile.
He smiles.
My son - sitting in the seat behind his dad - listening to our conversation, joins in on the discussion and says, "You know what I am going to do, Mom?"
I turn in my seat so I can see his sweet little face. I say, "What, Hon? What are you going to do?"
He is smiling big.
He says ...
"When I get my band," he holds his hands in front of his body like he is holding a guitar (air guitar), "When I get my band ... I'm gonna talk about you at the beginning of my shows and I'm gonna talk about you at the end of my shows," he strums on imaginary guitar strings. "I'll be famous and I'll make you famous - a famous blogger," he is so pleased with this idea - this plan.
I laughed out loud and then ...
As I gazed into his sparkly eyes ...
I could swear that I could almost see him standing on that stage ...
crowds cheering ...
lights beaming ...
music blaring ...
On the upside ... I smiled and put my fingers to my lips and ... blew my little rock star a kiss. He lowered his guitar, smiled a big rock star grin and ... blew an air kiss right back.
If dreams were wishes and wishes were dreams come true - he'd have wishes to relish and many to share with me too!