Just look at my sweet grand-nephew!
He is filling out and he is doing very well.

Our baby is just over 4 lbs. Can you believe that?
He was born on March 4th - he is now nearly 3 months old and doing so well.
Per my sister: "They did laser surgery on one eye on Tuesday. They call it ROP and I think he has a stage 3. For stages 1 and 2 I don't think anything is required necessarily but I guess he needed it. They'll watch him, test him, see how he's progressing. I guess that's to keep him from going blind. He could/probably will wear glasses and/or may have a lazy eye. Not sure I understand all that. Anyway, that's what I know right now."
Per my nephew, Cody: "He is taking bottle feedings now and he may be out by the end of June, at the latest. "
We'd like to continue to thank everyone for their on-going prayers for our sweet baby. Everyday he grows stronger and bigger and healthier.
Thank you God for showing your mercy and love for of our precious baby boy!