When I was a little girl, I was the type of child that pushed the boundaries. Sometimes ... did the opposite of what I was told just to be defiant. In so many ways I am still like that.

I think that those of us that go against the grain are the ones paving new paths in this world - for ourselves and for those that follow us - otherwise ... we would all be like sheep ... herded into clumps of mindless people all headed in the exact same direction. What kind of miserable world would that be?? I hope none of my children are ever sheep. I hope I have taught them to lead - not follow. To look toward the horizon - not the ground. To do an unauthorized fly-by every now and then just for the thrill of it - tee hee. And ... to always dance .... even if the music stops playing .... :)
(This is a photo my precious twins, Courtney and Chloe, when they were 3 years old - shadows of each other then and now ... but, now at 19, individually and combined ... inspirational forces to be reckoned with ... :)