Alexis is a planner.
She is always planning stuff - you know ...
- When she can spend the night at her cousin's house
- What she will wear to school
- Toys she wants for Christmas
She is always planning something!
She came home from school a couple of weeks ago and said, "My teacher says that I will celebrate my Birthday at school on the 27th of May," she has a great big smile on her face.
"That's good," I say and smile back - knowing how important this is to her - her Birthday (not really until July)!
"I want Sonic," she informs me.
"You want me to bring you lunch?" I ask.
"Yes," she looks at me like I should have known this.
"Well, I guess I could do that," I giggle.
"I'd like popcorn chicken, chili-cheese fries and a root beer float," she begins to ramble off her order.
She walks over to my desk and returns to my side with a pad of paper and a pen and she hands it to me.
"What's this for?" I ask.
"To write down my order," she says and begins to repeat, "Popcorn chicken ......"
That child.
On the upside ... She OBVIOUSLY has no clue how busy my life is!
I wrote down her order and stuck the piece of paper in my pocket. She turned and went on her way. Sometimes, I need her to believe that I take her seriously - you know - even if what she is asking me to do is RIDICULOUSLY! Generally ... I would wait to take her order - oh - just before I was actually going to go to get the food - ya know? Not ........... THREE WEEKS AND FOUR DAYS OUT!
She's a planner - that one.