I was never good in school.
I went - because my parents made me - those were the rules!
I sometimes can not believe that I actually made it through some of the classes I was expected to take, like geometry, government, chemistry, algebra - I can't even easily spell a few of these words, let alone remember a doggone thing I supposedly ever learned.
Sometimes, when my kids get to arguing with me about not wanting to work hard enough at something, I will say, "What do you want to be - a loser - like I was?"
They often come to my defense and get sympathetic looks on their faces and say, "You aren't a loser."
To which I reply, "Well ... I'm not a loser now - but I was when I was in school..."
And ... I was - with a BIG OL' - L.
I must have had the favor of a few teachers - looking back on it now - otherwise I'm sure I would not have made it through.
So .....
Little Billy, is writing a time-line on a large piece of white paper on the floor of his room. He has his History book flipped open to the pages that he is working from. He stops, runs down the hallway, runs up to me at my desk and he says, "Mom - When was the start of the Civil War?"
Uh Oh!
"I don't know the exact date, Hon," I say.
"Well ... what year was it?"
I say, "I don't really remember, Hon. Go ask Daddy, maybe he remembers," and off her runs.
Shew ...
A little later on, he runs back into my room, "What was the end of the Civil War, Mom?"
"I don't remember that either, Son."
"Just tell me when it was over," he begs - like rewording the sentence will help.
I say, "I don't really remember, Hon. Go ask one of the girls - surly they remember," and off he runs.
Again ... he comes back, "Why was it so important that Lincoln was elected President?" he asks.
I mumble, "I don't remember."
He, again, attempts a new tactic - certain that this will help jar my pathetic memory and he says, really loudly, like he is talking to someone from FOREIGN country, "YOU. DON'T. UNDERSTAND. THE. QUESTION. WHY. WAS. IT. SO. IMPORTANT. THAT. LINCOLN. WAS. ELECTED. PRESIDENT?" He says all of these words very slowly, so NOW, I will understand this question.
I understood the question - the first time.
I say, "I do not know this answer! I can't remember this crap! I don't think I ever learned it when I was supposed to learn it when I went to school. I DO NOT KNOW THESE ANSWERS! If you go get your book, I can help you find the answers - how about that?"
Off he runs, "I'll go ask Dad - or the girls," he yells, as he is half way down the hallway. "That's okay, Mom ... I forgot ... you were a LOSER when you went to school."
On the upside ... Yes. I. Was!
You would think that I could listen up now - learn a bit of U.S. History from my kids - learn some of that stuff I never quite got when I went to school - but, Nooooooo! I didn't want to learn it then, and ... I CERTAINLY DON'T WANT TO LEARN IT NOW! I don't have enough room in my brain to store Civil War details - NOPE! I've barely got enough room for months, days and seasons. Well ... seasons, I meant. Alexis is keeping track of the months and days for me now (*sigh like a big ol' LOSER).