Why do you blog?
This question is often asked of me and even if it is not asked, it is often the question on people's faces and in their minds when they find out that I have a blog.
I know that most bloggers know what I mean. I'm sure you are also getting this question and these odd looks and sarcastic remarks.
People don't understand blogging. Bloggers get it - of course, but those that have never visited a blog or had someone explain to them what a blog really is - are clueless.
And - most of these "clueless" people - because they are unfamiliar with what blogging is, find it all a bit ridiculous. Am I right?
Before I began blogging (9 months ago), I was not familiar - at all - with blogging. I was one of the "clueless" people. Since becoming a blogger, I find that I become a bit defensive of blogging when I run into someone that questions its relevance or criticizes my motives or dedication to it.
Blogging - for me - is a way to communicate the events of my life through creative and interesting stories - through creative writing. I get tremendous satisfaction out of finding fun stories, formatting and writing the story, publishing the story and then having people respond to my stories. I also get a great deal of satisfaction out of how blogging documents many events in my children's lives - in all of our lives. I also enjoy visiting other blogs and reading the stories of other people's lives and becoming friends with other bloggers.
I spend a lot of my time blogging about my children and therefore I have fallen into the category dubbed Mommy Blogger.
I'm okay being called a Mommy Blogger.
I know there are those that find the term degrading or something, but not me. I think we are a strong group - a group made up of many very intelligent, creative and fascinating women that happen to be mommies and also happen to be bloggers. Some of us are SAHMs. Some of us are professionals. We are all pretty much blogging about our families, our kids, ourselves, our friends, our neighbors and neighborhoods, our vacations, our kids' schools, etc ... I am proud to be called a Mommy Blogger. There is nothing more powerful than a group of women. And, what makes us even more a force to be reckoned with is the fact that many people don't even realize that. Many people underestimate mommies and they certainly underestimate Mommy Bloggers.
I say - let them - let them underestimate us - it only gives us the advantage, because we ALL know that we are not a force to be taken lightly.
Every time we write and publish a story - we have power.
Every time we connect to each other's stories and lives, we become stronger.
Every time we visit and comment on other blogs - we become united when we support one another.
We are a bunch of mommies that blog - and we have a lot to say. The fact that we are listening and supporting each other ... is huge.
Women supporting other women - that is what we are really doing.
We are writing too - do not forget that!
Every single story and every single post and every single word and sentence and punctuation mark ... means something to the blogger that posted that story. Some stories are silly and some are poignant and some are brilliant and some are touching and some are my stories and some are yours.
We have a lot of stories.
We have a lot to say.
We are saying it loud and clear and we are saying it through our blogs.
I am happy being a blogger.
I am a Mommy Blogger and I am okay with that!
What about you?