Photo Story Friday
(Sorry - can't get my PSF photo to load ????)
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Okay ...
So ...
I have this cute little deck off of my second story bedroom that I like to go out on to be by myself.
I go out there to drink my coffee.
I go out there to look at the birds (no I don't - who has time to look at the birds - ACK!).
I go out there when I need to have a quiet place to think.
I go out there to read a book or a magazine.
I love my little deck and it is normally very peaceful.
That is ...
Unless one of my kids searches me out ...
These are sticky notes plastered to the inside of one of the doors that leads out to my nice little, peaceful deck.
Let's take closer look - shall we.
This is a term of endearment my older daughter's have resorted to calling me.
Instead of ... Mom or Mother or Mama or Mommy ...
They call me MEH. Scream it out loud - go ahead. That's what it sounds like when Courtney or Chloe are looking for me in my house, "MEH!"
Okay ...
Let's see what Courtney found so important that she had to disturb me on my quiet little deck and use my expensive sticky-notes to write me this long message.
She has been begging me for weeks, "Please MEH! Can I have a puppy for my Birthday. Please. Please. Please."
She is not getting a puppy!
Now get on outta here and let me look at the damn birds!