Fashion Models + LIFE

Foil-Wrapped Demons

So ... there is this very large, foil-wrapped, chocolate bunny that's been sitting on the counter in our kitchen for too many days since Easter.

It's tucked safely inside a clear, plastic box, a nice ribbon tied to one corner, trapping the bunny inside.

But I can see the bunny's delicious, foil-wrapped body clearly through that plastic, and ... every time I pass this bunny, I am certain he calls to me, "Miss, Miss ... " (Of course, I could be imagining all this ...).

So far, I have managed to resist the evil lures and chocolatey, silky voice of this foil-wrapped demon.

Shamefully, I am growing weaker by the day ... *sighs pitifully*


humor, and more:

Foil-Wrapped Demons + LIFE