Hosted by Cecily and Mama Geek
Most of you know that I'm writing a novel.
Some of you are probably really tired of hearing about it.
(If so ... maybe you can come back next week - read the post I'm drafting about SEX).
I've recently completed my fourth round of edits and feel that I'm about 85% to 90% through. It won't be long before I am seriously going to be searching for an agent.
During the process of writing this novel, I have fallen in love with my main character.
Her name is Laney. She is sixteen years old and I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring her life and learning her story.
A couple of months ago, my daughters, Courtney and Chloe, were asked to do a painting for their advanced art class where the concentration (for this specific project) was "white on white". The painting Courtney did was of a beautiful girl.
One day ... I walked by this beautiful painting that was leaning against the wall in our family room and realized -- That's my Laney. She is exactly the vision of the girl I have in my head (well, except for the blue hair).
I picked up the painting and took it to my room. I propped it on my desk. It has been there ever since and she - this beautiful girl - has become my muse during the process of writing this novel.
She watches me and she listens to me.
She speaks to me through her guarded expression and beautiful face.
Every day I sit at my desk ...
I look into her eyes ...
And I write her story.
I'm a big believer in the old adage that everything happens for a reason.
I don't believe it was an accident that my daughter painted this beautiful girl.
I think she was Laney ... all along.
Courtney brought her image to life ...
And I am ... telling her story.