Oh Good Lord!
I am sometimes preoccupied!
Let's just say ... I don't always hear everything that my children say.
Sometimes I am busy.
Sometimes I am tired.
Sometimes - Yes - I have even been know to ignore their voices, if those voices are gibbering - jabber, whilst I am in the middle of watching shows like ... LOST!
I have.
Well ... I woke up the other morning - rolled over in my bed and it hit me.
I sort of ... (*tilts head sideways and then backwards and then forward again, hoping the memory will rattle its way clearly to the front of her brain*) ... sort of ... recalled - as I am coming out of my slumber ---- agreeing ---- the previous evening ---- around 8:30 p.m. ---- during my preoccupation and lustful infatuation with Sawyer -- I mean ... during LOST ... with my 10 year old son ... that it would be fine --- THAT HE COULD START A BAND, USE OUR GAZEBO AS HOME BASE, A BAND TO BE CALLED DOUBLE K-B (Kool Kid Band) OR SOMETHING, INVOLVING 4 OR 6 OR 8 BOYS (not clear), HE'S BEEN WORKING ON THEIR FIRST SONG -- ALL HE NEEDS FROM ME IS AN ELECTRIC GUITAR AND ONE AMP-LI-FI-ER!
On the upside ... This could have been a dream. I surly would not have agreed to such a thing! Surly I have been a mother long enough to know that you do not answer ANY QUESTION while under the influence of shows such as LOST! Surly I am stronger and smarter and capable of resisting the seductive lures of a sexy man on TV long enough to pull my melting mind to the here-and-now in order to simply say, "Maybe," or "We'll see," or "Let's talk about it later." Surly I didn't commit to anything under duress ... (*puts face into pillow and SCREAMS - thoughts going through her foggy mind of small 10 year old, spiked haired, tatoo wearing boys - ROCKING OUT to Van Halen ... in her backyard gazebo*).