When I was a kid ...
I don't recall my parents ever allowing us kids to pull a can of whipped cream out of the refrigerator, hold it up to our mouths and then empty a fistful of that whipped cream into our throats - NOPE!
I have a hard time believing that there was no such thing as tubes of refrigerated cookie dough on a shelf in the refrigerator, to be opened, dug into with a spoon - to snack on whenever we needed a cookie dough fix, but ... if there had been such a thing, I know very well ... our mother would never have allowed this sort of grazing.
I find it amazing to realize that - when I was a kid - we only ever ate at a fast food restaurant on the occasional Sunday, after church - or when we were on vacation with my family.
I also ... don't believe there was ever a time that I wandered into my parents bedroom at 10:30 p.m, stood next to the side of my mother's bed and asked ...
"When are we going to have dinner?"
"What do you mean ... when are we going to have dinner," I asked Alexis, upon hearing this question a few nights ago.
"I don't remember eating dinner," she was rubbing her eyes, clearly sleepy ... but stood next to my bed in total dismay.
"Alexis," I sat up and looked her square in the eyes. "It is 10:30, Hon - you are supposed to be asleep - you've got school tomorrow. We ate dinner," I tried to reassure her.
"But ... I don't 'member eating dinner," she whines pathetically, as she walks slowly out of my room.
"You did," I say after her, "We had chicken - do you remember now?"
No answer.
On the upside ... She ate dinner. She - of all of my children - never misses a meal - EVER! And ... it wasn't that she was hungry - Noooooo - she was just afraid she had missed it. I wonder what she thought I was going to do if she had missed dinner - get up at 10:30 p.m. and go make her a hot dog? She didn't ask - I wouldn't have made a hot dog. I'm pretty sure I would have told her to go get a spoonful of cookie dough - follow it with a squirt of whipped cream, brush her teeth and get back to bed (*Oh ... did I say that out loud?*).