Alexis has a head of hair.
Every single time Alexis comes from her bath, she retrieves her bottle of No More Tangles and her brush and comes to find me to brush her hair.
Well ... that's not exactly true.
Actually - she will get the spray and the brush, but she will seldom search me out to brush her tangled hair.
She hates - hates - hates - to have me brush her hair and will do anything to avoid having ME do it.
But ... eventually I will track her down, pull her out from beneath her bed (tee hee) and stand her beside me ... to smooth the tangles out of her ratty locks.
She is never - ever - happy!
She is never - ever - cooperative!
It is never - ever - fun - for either of us!
On this one night when I had finished up the CHORE of running the brush through her hair, she turned herself around and looked at her image in the mirror with a grumpy frown on her face and said loudly, "What's the matter with this?" pointing to the top of her head. "It needs a crack in it!" She pointed again at the slicked-backed hair and pooched out her lower lip ever so dramatically.
I giggled. "Uh ... you mean a ... part?" I said.
It was funny, but she refused to CRACK a smile.

On the upside ... I wanted to put a CRACK in it - from the get-go. No problemo - I'll give you a CRACK! And I did. And then ... she grabbed her No More Tangles spray and her brush, flipped her shiny, smooth hair over her seven-year-old shoulder ... and stomped on out of my room ... just like she has done every single other time I have ever helped her brush her hair *sigh*.
*Self portrait by Alexis - see that beautiful head of hair.*