I went to bed last night at 2:30 a.m. When I crawled next to my husband, he stirred, looked at me and then at the clock and just rolled his eyes. I said, "I know - I'm driving you crazy."
This has been my life for the past couple of months. Aside from all of my regular daily duties (raising 4 kids, keeping house, running a small business, yard work, etc.) I spend nearly every other spare minute writing my novel. I am completely obsessed and totally enjoying every single moment of it. If you'd like to find out how it's going - make sure you stop by my other site On The Flipside and read my recent update.
I have about a trillion things on my to-do list and I try to make time in every day to check a few of those chores off, but right now I am very determined to dedicate every spare moment to writing. I've been raising my kids for seventeen years and I still have ten more years to go before they are all out of the house - I need something FOR ME!

Oh, yes. And ... I'm still writing for mySA and have two new posts up over there - One Foot In The Grave and I Can See You, if you'd like to go over and read these stories (two of my all-time favorites) about my funny kids, Billy and Alexis.
Have a great week!