Fashion Models + TIME

End Of Contest

Thank you so much to all of you that entered my weekend contest. I never really imagined there would be so many questions! There was a total of 231 questions and I answered all but 1 - in the post titled "Answers (A ridiculously long post)". The 1 I didn't answer was from Laura: "I would love to know more about your twins story." I will answer this question in April, for my twins' birthday. (I have moved the contest/answers posts to the beginning of my archives (Aug. 2007), if you are looking for them.)

I will publish the 4 winners Monday evening. I will notify the winners in advance.

Thanks again!!! I really appreciate all the thoughtful and fun questions! I enjoyed reading and answering all of them! I hope you feel that your questions were answered thoroughly and honestly.

Life, and more:

End Of Contest + TIME