Alexis is in her seat in the middle of the van.
I am content just driving along, listening to George Strait on the radio. I hear the guitars and fiddles. My mind is soothed by the sound of his familiar mellow voice. He sings to me of love and ladies and bar rooms and ... in my mind --- I am THERE. You know.
Alexis interrupts the music, "Do you love anybody?" She screams up to the front of the van. She's picked up on the love being described in George's song.
Why, yes! I'm lovin' me some George Strait -- right at this moment ... I think.
I say, "Of, course ... I love lots of people. I love you. I love the girls and Little Billy. I love Daddy. I love all of our family and friends. I love lots of people."
"Oh, yeah," she concurs.
I do - I think to myself.
*mind begins to drift*
I love lots of people.
But ...
I do not like every-body.
I try.
I try to like every-body.
But ... I don't!
I don't like some people - A LOT!
Some people ... I keep trying to like - even though I still don't like them - as hard as I try to like them - I feel like I am never going to like them - but ... I keep trying.
Like ...
That one mother.
That one stupid mother ... at the school.
That one I've known for several years - run into her at most every school event - have made every effort to flash her friendly smiles, engage in cordial conversations, extended welcoming advances -- but ... she is someone I DO NOT LIKE! I have - for too many years - tried to like that woman - given her every benefit of the doubt - gone far and beyond what would be considered necessary to be friendly and cordial to such a b**ch. I have finally concluded that - for CERTAIN - I DO NOT like that woman. I'm never going to. There's something not right with her and ... I've tried for long enough.
Then ...
There are those miscellaneous people I don't like. These are those people that it really doesn't matter whether I like them or not - but ... I still want to. I still try to. I spend far too much time trying to find reasons to like them, but always end right back NOT liking them and ... in the end - it makes no difference.
Like ...
The guy who does my nails.
It's not important that I like him or him me - for that matter.
He does my nails - I pay him - that is the extent of our relationship.
But ... I see him every 2 weeks or so and ... I figured it was possible to like him. Possible to find likable things about him. Possibly better if I did like him, as it might make the experience, every 2 weeks, more enjoyable - more satisfying - more fun - somehow.
I am never going to like him.
I have tried and tried and ... I DON'T.
I like his sister.
I like his wife.
I like everyone that works in the salon - except ... HIM.
I continue to try to act like I like him. Not let on that I DO NOT. Try to smile and act friendly, as I still need him to continue to do my nails - I just DO NOT LIKE HIM.
Then ...
There are those people that I DO NOT LIKE because ... they don't like me. I know who they are. I can sense that I rub them funny or whatever and that they just do not like me. Those people - of course - I DO NOT LIKE.
Then ...
There are those people that are strangers that I meet that rub me funny from the get-go. I know I don't like them because of something that strikes me odd.
Like ...
There are those people that don't use the right emphasis on their syllables - when they talk. Their sentences - words - don't sound right and when they speak, you could easily interpret what they are saying as sarcasm or cynicism or meanness. These are those people that don't necessarily do this intentionally - they just speak wrong - sometimes monotone - and, you can't determine - for a very long time - if they do this strange speaking intentionally or not.
I just immediately decide that I DO NOT LIKE those people. I don't have the time to determine if you are speaking this way intentionally, didn't learn how to properly place your emphasis on your syllables or ... are just du-pid. Either way - I DON'T LIKE these people pretty much immediately because I have learned that I take these people way too seriously and everything they say either makes me mad and hurts my feelings or I catch myself trying - to fix them.
NOPE - I do not like every-body.
I like lots of people and I love lots of people, but ... I definitely do not like every-body.
*looks into rear view mirror and sees Alexis asleep*
On the upside ... Okay ... now where was I? Oh, that's right ... George and ... guitars and fiddles. Sing to me George ... sing to me -- a love song.