Stage 1: before Balmain, on the street

Stage 2: getting hair done, backstage

Stage 3: make up complete

Stage 4: getting dressed, downstairs

Stage 5: first look, backstage before hitting the runway

Katrin Wesolowski, production and model line up for Balmain
This Paris Fashion Week, Katrin Wesolowski is busy casting shows and scouting new faces (above with British designer, Henry Holland) while working with La Mode En Images (In House Casting & Production Company for the Balmain show) founded by Olivier Massart. La Mode En Images also works on other various shows during Paris Fashion Week like Givenchy, Balenciaga, Valentino, and YSL to name a few. Katrin was kind enough to grant me backstage access to the Balmain show, which translated itself into a story revolving around model Jac Jagaciak.
I was fortunate enough to be able to catch up with Katrin after the show in between her busy schedule, and get to know her more and what she does as a Casting Agent:
Craig Arend: Thank you so much for taking the time out from your busy schedule of shows to speak with me.Katrin Wesolowski: My pleasure!
Craig: Can you please tell us what you are doing here in Paris for Fashion Week.Katrin: I work as a casting agent for La Mode En Images. It is one of the leading production companies in the fashion business.
Craig: What draws you to this line of work?Katrin: It's such an exciting environment to work in. There are always so many things going on at the same time.
Craig: How did you get your start?
Katrin: Well, I first started as a Stylist Assistant in Milan. I then moved to Paris to assist Julia von Boehm and then worked with Christopher Niquet at MIXTE magazine. In 2006, I left Paris and went home to Stochkolm to work as a Model Agent at Mikas Model Management. I stayed there for 2 years and moved back to Paris to work as a Stylist Producer for Art Partner. I then was called by Patrizia Pilotti of La Mode En Images, who offered me a job to work for her. And I've been working for Patrizia ever since.
Craig: What is a memorable moment that stands out for you in your experience?
Katrin: There are so many, but I'll never forget my first show in Paris. My best friend, Delfina got me in to see Chanel and I was so excited I could cry!
Craig: What are you looking for when you are casting?
Katrin: Castings are so very personal. It truly depends on what each individual client is looking for at that time.
Craig: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Katrin: I would love to cast on my own!
Craig: Well, thank you again for finding the time to sit down with me. Good luck with the rest of fashion week!
Katrin: See you at the next show Craig!