As most of you know - I have teenage twin daughters, Courtney and Chloe.
My girls are juniors in high school and fixing to turn 17 this April *sad face*.
One of the things I have most enjoyed about having teenagers around my house is seeing the friendships they have developed with other kids their age. They often brings their friends to our house and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know all of them and being around this great group of kids.
One of the friends my girls made this last year at school is a girl named Becca. Becca is a year older than Courtney and Chloe (she's a senior) and yet they have become especially close and my girls just love her. They played basketball together for their high school's varsity team and hung out a lot after school and on the weekends (she's coming over today, as a matter of fact). Becca has not only been a wonderful friend to both of my girls, but a fabulous influence. I know they are going to miss her tremendously when she leaves in the fall to head off to college at Texas A&M - but we are all very proud of her and wish her only luck and happiness and love.

The reason I tell you all this is because I found out this morning that Becca has started her own blog called The Leaves On The Ground.

It would be so nice if you went over to welcome my special friend, Becca (The Leaves On The Ground) into this wonderful blogging world - show her how much we love teen bloggers and encourage them to be part of our community.