Oh ... there are a lot of DREADED words that a mother hates to hear.
I'm not talking about horrific things - don't want to think about horrific things. I'm talking about those moments when a little one comes to you and says something that sends a bit of a chill up your spine.
Things like ...
"Mommy. There's something wrong with the toilet."
You know - DREADED words.
I've heard my share of DREADED words over the years and have compiled a mental list of the ones that rub me the most chilly.
I have tried to teach my children - over the years - those words that I am not fond of - those that make me a bit CRAZY. They still use all these words, but have gotten smart enough to know that they should say them really fast - like they are throwing them at me like a dart - and then run as fast as they can ... out of the room.
Say it - RUN!
Mostly ... my children have learnt this lesson well.
Alexis, however ..... is still young.
She has not caught on as quickly as I would like.
She is either a bit slow or ... trying to change the rules around my house.
I know this because ...
She came into my room the other night.
She stood by my bed.
She twisted her face.
She puckered her lower lip.
She batted long dark eyelashes over glossy puppy-dog eyes.
She said .............. "Will you play a game with me?"
And ... she DID NOT RUN!
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay ........ first of all -
1. All 7 of these words are at the very top of my DREADED words list!
2. I did not get the "game" gene and I am not a game player.
3. All my children KNOW THIS!
I have played Barbies, I have played blocks, I have played puzzles, I have played Polly-Pockets, I have played doll house, I have played Little Pony's, I have played drawing and painting and coloring and stickering and sponging and gluing and glittering. I have played in the yard and in the pool and in the woods and in the sand and in their rooms and in the garage and on the driveway and ... I have played Play Dough. I have played frisbee, I have played jump-rope and bikes and skates and skooters. I have played in tents and forts and sand-boxes. I have played A LOT of stuff!
I do not play games!
On the upside ... I don't know exactly what happened ... she must have come to her senses or something, because she just turned and walked out of my room before I even had to tell her, "SORRY - I don't play games - go ask your Daddy." Maybe it was the you-know-very-well-that-I-don't-play-games-look I had on my face. I imagine that is what it was.