I was so pleased to receive this very nice award from Jo-N over at Shower Your Children With Love - The Right Way. Jo-N is one of my newer friends and if you haven't visited her wonderful site, you need to go over there and check her out. Thanks so much Jo-N.

I'd like to pass this award on to Karen at The Rocking Pony. Thanks Karen for being such a good friend.
****************************I am also so tremendously pleased to recieve this wonderful "You Make Me Smile" award from one of my favorite bloggy friends, Courtney over at Life With Two Beautiful Girls. I have known Courtney for a while and if you have never visited her site, you need to go over and see her beautiful girls (and handsome husband) - she has a great site and is a great friend. Thanks Courtney.

And then my good friend Bren (also a Texan - Woo Hoo) over at 3 Little Monkey's Jumping On The Bed passed this other great "You Make Me Smile" award on to me - and it makes me smile because Bren makes me smile all the time! She has a beautiful site (done by SPLAT - just like mine) and three darling kiddos (her baby girl just turned one). She always has a good story and you really should go check her out. Thank you so much Bren.

I' like to pass this great award on to Em over at Billy The Toddler. Em lives in the UK and she has the most adorable little boy named Billy (like my Little Billy). He is the cutest thing - you should really go over and see how beautiful this boy is!!
And then ... my good friend Kami at Kami Khlopchyk (don't ask me how you say that - in my head I just call her Kami K. or KK) - and I should learn how to pronounce it, as I have known her a long time. She is a great friend with a great site and I'd love you to go over and meet her! She gave me this "E is for Excellence". Thanks Kami.
Shortly after I received this great award from Kami, I also received it from Kimmy over at Tales Of A Blender Kimmy. Kimmy is one of my new bloggy friends and I just love her stories about her wonderful family and the adventures in their lives. If you haven't visited Kimmy's site, you really need to go over there and check her out - she is a lot of fun.And then ... I also received this same award from Girlymom over at The Red Door. She has been my bloggy friend from way back and if you have never visited her site you need to go over there and visit her and her 4 beautiful daughters - she is a wonderful mom!
And then ... I was so pleased to receive this "Excellent" award again from Lizzy over at Life According To Lizzy. Lizzy has a great site where she writes wonderful stories about her life with her two sons and wonderful husband. If you have never visited my friend Lizzy, please go by and check her out.
And then ... Kathryn over at Seeking Sanity was also so nice to pass this award on to me. Kathryn is a great writer and tells wonderful stories about her life with her three precious boys. If you have never visited Kathryn's site - you need to go over and say hello.

I am supposed to pass this award on to 10 people. Since I received this award 5 times - that means I should pass it on to 50 people. I'm going to break this rule and pass it on to 5 people.
Angie at Keep Believing
Bia at La Dolce Vita: The Sweet Life With 3 Sons
Valarie at Please Don't Put Beans Up Your Nose!
Dawn at Renaissance Mama
Steph at Snow Central
All of these ladies have wonderful sites and I think they are simply Excellent - enjoy this great award ladies - I enjoy you so much!
Also ... I was so pleased to receive this great "Everday Kindness" award from MO over at Un-Mainstream Mom. Now ... I think MO is way smarter than me - because she writes some really great posts and sometimes I think I don't know everything she is talkin' bout! No, not really - she writes smart and witty and she is a great friend with 2 beautiful daughters- you need to go check her out!!!

I'd like to pass this award on to Andrea at Life Song. Andrea has a great site where she tells daily stories about her beautiful daughters and she is a good friend.
And then Vasquez3 passed this great award on to all of those blogs on her blogroll and On The Upside is one of the sites that she visits daily - I really appreciate that and I really appreciate this award and am so pleased to be one of her daily reads - Thanks and you should go see her and her adorable daughter and husband - she has a really great site.

I'd like to pass this award on to Mighty Morphin Mama. She also has a wonderful site and tells wonderful stories about her sweet family - you need to go over and say hello if you've never visited her site before.
And then ... my friend Regina - over at Regina's Family Seasons passed this great "Spread The Love Award" on to me and she passed "The Daily Dose" on to all those friends on her blogroll. Now ... if you want to meet one smart lady with very well written and thought provoking posts - she is your lady. I have so enjoyed getting to know Regina - you really need to go visit her. Thanks Regina!

I'd like to pass this second "Daily Dose" award on to Julie at Multiple Blessings. Julie has a houseful of kids - like me - and she tells wonderful stories about her kids and family. She is also a scrapbooker. She's been a really good friend.
And then I received this really nice "Spreader of Love" award from my good friend OHMommy over at Classy Chaos. She has a great site with wonderfully written stories about her and her 3 precious children. I am most appreciative OHMommy - thanks so much.
I'd like to pass this great award on to Joan over at Joan's Journey. It is always a delight to visit Joan and hear her fabulous stories about her family or her travels - she is a joy and become a dear friend.
And then I received this "Classy Blog" award (award designed by OHMommy over at Classy Chaos - isn't it cool!) from Lunanik over at Secrets of A Black Heart. Lunanik and I have become great friends - if you have never visited her great blog, you need to go over and check her out. She is smart and funny and quite the writer. You will love her as much as I do.

This last award I'd like to pass on to my friends Kari and Kijsa over at Ask Kari and Kijsa. These two sisters have the most fabulous home decorating site. They are creative and smart and witty. They tell the most fabulous stories about their creations, their ideas, their travels and they beautiful families (6 children between these young mothers). They are two of the classiest women I know and truly deserve this Classy Blog award.
THANK YOU to everyone that passed on an award to me - I truly appreciate each and everyone of these great awards! I hope I will have the chance to pass on future awards to anyone that I did not remember this time. I think each and everyone of the great sites that I have gotten to know deserves an award and I am trying to keep up with who I have given an award and who I have not - so I will remember in the future.