Tory leaves her show

Tory with her models after the show at the runway entrance

Tory backstage getting inteviewed by the press, always smiling

mirrored motion by two hair stylists

Tilda Lindstam got interviewed while having her hair done

hair extensions were used on some girls

Kérastase hair products were used in the show

make up took kit

make up was applied with surgical, yet artistic precision

and often, double checked to perfection

and when perfect, convenient blackberry photos were taken!

lots and lots of ZOYA nail polish was used

as you can see here

and even better here

after hair/make up/nails were done, it was time to get accessorized

who wouldn't wear these sunglasses and feel amazing?

or these shoes for that matter?

models put on their sunglasses

then it was time to line up

a view of the line up order, names written on tape to keep organizational flow

anticipating the walk through the runway

the starting line of the line up

line up, shoe shots

after many hours, days, and weeks of preparation for the show, Tory shows great poise by smiling and did several quick interviews with the press. Here she's making a point. I couldn't help but notice her ring in this shot.
It was a great time back stage overall and many thanks to the entire Tory team for their assistance getting me past security, getting me that special star sticker, and just being cool people to work with