I try.
I am telling you - I TRY!
I just can't do it.
I even threaten - over and over again - but ...
I never follow through.
I resist for as long as I can.
I try to delegate to others.
I try my very best to ignore and yet ...
I am just ...
Not strong enough.
Not smart enough.
Not easy-going ... enough.
I am ...
I clean constantly.
I clean into the late hours of the night and as soon as I roll out of bed in the mornings.
I clean drawers and closets and floors and bowls and tubs and sinks and hair brushes ...
I am just ...
I KNOW ---
I should just stop all the cleaning ...
Relax and unwind and stretch out my legs on a lounge chair to take some time to smell the damn roses ...
I can not do it.
I sit for a while and then my eyes begin to scan whatever room I am relaxing in and ... I will suddenly spy dust under a cabinet across the room and ... I will jump from my cozy seat and race to find the Duster Buster or broom and dust pan to clean away that FILTH!
I can't stand it!
Sometimes ...
Those characters that live in my house with me - the ones pretty much making all the messes I am forever cleaning up ...
Help with the cleaning duties.
Alexis is a good little helper.
One day recently, she grabbed a kitchen trash bag and made her way through the house and collected all the trash for me.
I was sincerely grateful.
I accepted her help and her willingness to relieve the cleaning burden by helping me out and it made me happy and put me in a great mood.
I went to the living room and turned the stereo on to the Country music channel. I cranked the volume up loud.
Then ...
She said, "What else? What else can I do?"
And so I suggested that she get the Swiffer duster and dust the tables in the family room.
She was sincerely excited.
She is a good little helper.
While she was dusting, I was loading laundry into the washer and hanging the load from the dryer. Then, I moved to sweeping the tile floor, straightening the pillows on the couches and collecting dirty dishes from the tables.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see her slowly being lured out of the room by the sound of the beautiful music up in the living room. When she got to the top of the family room stairs, she turned back and yelled over her shoulder ...
"I'll be up here dancing, if you need me for anything else," and she vanished up the stairs.
I smiled.
Then ... I quietly followed after her to watch.
On the upside ... Okay ... I might not be doing all that much rose smelling and I might even be overly obsessive, but ... on occasion ... even I can be pursuaded to lay down that mop just long enough to watch a sweet little girl do some ... dancing.