It's almost 10:30 p.m. and I walk by his room. I hear the TV and step inside. I look over at his bed and he shuts his eyes quickly - pretends he is asleep. I switch off the TV, walk over and give my sneaky boy a kiss on the forehead and leave his room.
The next evening, it is almost 10:30 p.m. and I walk by his room. I hear the TV and step inside the door. I stand in the doorway, put my hands on my hips and say, "I'm going to take this TV out of your room if I catch you watching it one more time."
He says, "Night Mom," and wraps his skinny arms around my neck and hugs me hard.
The next evening, it is almost 10:30 p.m. and I walk by his room. I hear the TV and step inside. I reach over and turn it off.
He grins and says, "Mom, come here. I want to give you a hug - a wonderful hug," and my heart instantly melts. Then he says, "Yeah, yeah ... a wonderful hug," before I can even utter a word.
I glide over to his bed on the cloud of his soothing words, bend over and push my hands up under his skinny little body and pull him to me.
He whispers in my ear, "I love you Mom," and he hugs me ... wonderfully.
"See you tomorrow," He says sweetly, and I slink out of his room.
See you tomorrow.
On the upside ... Okay - So, sometimes I'm a bit of a push-over for sweet words and wonderful hugs!