My twins are pretty smart girls.
They have always gotten really good grades in school and have taken challenging courses - always.
I was never that smart in school.
I'm still not all that smart.
Anyways ... recently, Chloe got a lower grade than she expected on an algebra II test.
She says that she was very upset when she got the test back and she began to cry. She says that a friend (a boy) that sits near her in the algebra class asked her why she was so upset and she explained, "I got a C," tears streaming down her face.
"You're upset, because you got a C?" the boy was confused.
"My mom will be mad," Chloe tried to explain, "She will probably take away my phone and then my IPOD and then ... she'll take away my books," more tears.
"She'll take away your books?" the boy asked, "How will you study?" he was even more confused.
"Not my school books, " she clarified, "The books I read just for ... fun."
She says the boy's eyes kind of glazed over and he said, "You do that ... read books for f-un?"
She and I could not stop laughing.
It's true.
Sometimes ... I threaten to take away their books.
On the upside ... You know that saying, "The apple does not fall far from the tree"? That saying does not always apply. When I was a kid ... my parents would have had to have threatened to ... MAKE ME READ A BOOK, as punishment! My girls ... I threaten to take them away (*throws head back and laughs loudly at the thought of how ridiculous this sounds - HAHAHAHAHAHA*)!