Not too long ago, I was at Wal-Mart with my four children and we pulled down one the aisles of the parking lot. I stopped to wait for a lady to pull out, so I could get her spot. The parking lot was packed that day and I was determined to get this one space - so I sat there and waited.
There was this guy in the car behind me. I could see in my rear view mirror that he was becoming frustrated. At one point I saw him raise both hands in the air as if to say, "What's up - what's the hold up?" I waved him around (I don't know why he just kept on sitting there anyway). When he finally drove past me, I rolled down my window and screamed, "It's a PARKING LOT! I'M WAITING FOR A PARKING SPACE! IT'S-- A-- PARKING-- LOT!"
My kids said, "Whoa, Mom. Settle down. Why are you so angry?"
I was angry. Men have no concept of this whole shopping thing. I was waiting for a PARKING SPOT!
I don't think men should even be allowed in these stores. They never know where anything is, they never care when they are in everyone's way and they are clueless as to how serious we women are about this shopping RITUAL! They need to stay out of these stores or at least ... enter and leave through the auto repair department - back by the tools - we never go near that section of the store!
I'm not normally an angry driver - but, I am an angry shopper - so get out of my way!
Billy never goes to these stores, unless one of the children persuades him to. He confines his shopping to auto parts stores, tool stores, office supply stores, an occasional grocery store and home improvement stores. He's smart enough to stay out of the stores I am in.
We never go shopping together either. Billy hates shopping. Maybe he hasn't realized yet that he could possibly use these outings as opportunities to rack up more points for himself. Surly if people were to see the two of us together at Penny's or Sears, they would say, "Poor Billy. Look how miserable he looks." And, because he walks so much slower than me, it would likely come across as if he was tagging along and people would probably say, "Poor thing - she's always dragging him everywhere."
I don't want him in these stores, as he'd only slow me down and he's completely unhappy to be there. I don't have the time to teach him how to enjoy shopping. Nor do I have the time to stop and correct any of his bad etiquette habits. I have a hard enough time minding my own manners: "Excuse me - Can you help me, please - Sorry - Thanks a lot." There are absolutely too many pleasantries and manners required while shopping. Billy is not equipped to handle this duty on his own and I don't have the patience. I'm already dealing with other women's obnoxious husbands, wandering teenagers, out of control toddlers, crying babies, rude sales clerks and slow moving old people, in the aisles of these stores I frequent - I don't want Billy there too and I certainly don't need anyone to see us together so my husband can rack up anymore "Poor Billy" points.
On the upside ... "Get in - get out," that's how my husband describes the perfect shopping experience. Not me - Nooooo! I need me some serious foreplay and a cigarette after (tee hee)!