Hosted by Cecily and Mama Geek
When you are seven years old, you have your whole life out in front of you.
You spend your days coloring and painting and playing with Play Dough.
You watch TV.
You swim and jump-rope and giggle a lot.
You cry and whine and eat corn dogs and Bagle Bites and Popsicles that taste like watermelon and bubble gum and lime.
You look to your parents to retrieve cups from too-high cupboards, bake you chicken nuggets and french fries and wash sand out of your eyes and swimsuit and hair.
When you are a darling seven year old girl ...
You might one day ask your mother ...
"When you grow up ...
When you get older ...
Before you die ...
Can I have all the pictures of you and Daddy?"
"Why? Why do you want all the pictures, Sweet Girl?" the mom might wonder.
The sweet girl might smile.
She might touch her mom's face with her small hand.
She might say ...
"So I will always remember you."
On the upside ... Hopefully --- there are many, many years before the mom grows up. Many, many years still - to spend time with this sweet girl.
If you haven't already entered my contest, there's still time. It will continue until Friday night at 9:00. Just go to yesterday's post to enter. I will announce the winner on Saturday. I will also let you know who the Blogging Mother was that gave me permission to post her cute story.