I have been slow in showing my appreciation for some great awards I have received and I'm sorry it has taken me so long. I do appreciate all of these great awards and am very thankful to those that have passed them on to me.
Jennifer over at Faking It passed this Sassy Mama Blog Award on to me:

Thank you so much Jennifer for thinking of me for this great award - I like to think it fits me perfectly. If you haven't been over to Jennifer's site you need head on over there and visit with her and her three beautiful children - she is full of lots of great stories, ideas and photos.
I'd like to pass this great award on to Joanna over at Bugs In My Teeth - she is the Sassiest Mama I have come across lately and she is also the mother of twins - so we have gotten along splendidly.
Also - Badness Jones passed this great award onto all of her readers:
And then, I was so pleased to receive this same award from Brittany over at Mommee And Her Boys.

Thanks so much to Badness Jones and Brittany - two of my favorite blog moms. If you haven't visited either of their sites - you need to go check them out - they are wonderful.
I'd like to pass this Blog Friend award onto Lizzy over at Life According To Lizzy as she has definitely become one my faborite blog friends and I love her site.
Also ... I was so pleased to get this great award from my friend Jen over at Rants & Raves. Jen has a great site and is a wonderful writer and mother to a precious little boy named Dylan. If you've never visited her site, I encourage you to go visit her - she is one of my best blogging buddies and it is so sweet that she would give me this great award.
After Jen gave me this award, I was also given it by Pam over at Random Thoughts. Pam is also one of my best blogging buddies. She is a teacher and a wonderful mother and I just love her and her great site.

I am going to pass this award on to One Scrappy Gal. She is one of my newer blogging buddies and I have so enjoyed getting to know her and visiting her site.
Then ... I got these two great awards from Sharon over at Sit With Me A While.

And Joan, over at Joan's Journeys also passed this great (The Daily Dose) award onto all of her readers - thanks Joan and Sharon.
This little award is called The Daily Dose. And here is all the important info. Because you know you want to know what it is about and where it came from. ;)".. here's to all the blogs that you've discovered that you can't possibly live without. They make you laugh, cry, think and feel connected every time you read a post. They give you a thrill as you see them loading into your browser and you get an equally satisfying thrill when you see that they have commented on your blog".From Xandra: creator, The Daily Dose Award.Now it is my turn to pass it on and then I must link back to Xandra the creator. If I pass this on to you and you have already gotten it--you don't have to pass it on again.Some of you that I blog with have already gotten it-- so I will try and catchthe ones who did not.Because you know---- we have to pass the on the luuuuuv . :)
I'd like to pass the 2007 Inspiring Blog Award on to Kim over at Life After. Kim and I have become very good blogging friends and I truly consider her blog to be inspiring and fun and uplifting. She always has a kind comment wherever she goes and she has been a great friend to me.
And then ... Andrea over at Life Song passed this great, A Roar of Powerful Words award. Andrea is one of my good blogging friends and if you have never been over to visit her great site (Life Song - isn't that the greatest name?) - you need to go over and visit and see her and her adorable little girls.

I'd like to pass this A Roar For Powerful Words on to Kathryn at Seeking Sanity! Kathryn wrote two of the best posts I have ever read recently - one as a tribute to her dear mother and the other to her sweet father. I was simply in tears at the end of both of these posts - but not just because of the stories - but the brilliant story-telling as well. She did a great job and I truly enjoyed both of them. You have got to go read these two posts she wrote just recently.
And then I received this great "Your Blog Is A Treat" award from MamaGeek over at What Works For Us.
I also received this same award from Karen over at The Rocking Pony.
I was thrilled to receive this particular award from both of these ladies, because I feel exactly the same way about their wonderful sites. They are both, two of the funniest bloggers I've met and always have something fun, interesting, humorous or inspiring on their sites.

I'd like to pass this "Your Blog Is A Treasure" award on to Girly Mom over at The Red Door. I love going to her site and reading her daily stories about her 4 beautiful girls. She is such an upbeat mom and and always an inspiration.
And then ... I received this great membership award from Melanie over at Livin' With Me. She created this fun award and says I can pass it on to anyone I want - so I am passing this one on to anyone that visits my site.

And lastly, I was given this great True Blue award by Damama over at Damama's At It Again. I have only just recently met Damama and look forward to getting to know her better and think you should do the same as well.

I am going to pass this award on to PB&J In A Bowl (funny name right - go over there to her site to find out the story behind this name). She is one of my new blogging friends, but has been a True Blue friend and I appreciate all of her visits and comments she leaves on my site. I have truly enjoyed getting to know her and you should go over and visit her - she writes great stories and and quite the story-teller.
I feel bad for not passing these awards on to all of my blogging friends, as I truly treasure all of you and if I didn't give you an award this time around - I will most certainly be giving you one in the future. It's only because I have a hard time keeping up with who I have passed awards on to - not because I don't also appreciate you!!