I went to my son's school to meet with his teacher for a conference.
She is not his regular teacher - she is only his teacher for Social Studies and Science.
I don't know her very well - like I know his other teacher.
She was very nice.
We sat at the table in her room, went over issues Little Billy has been having about not remembering things - like ... when tests are coming up ... reviewing for tests ... studying for tests ... failing tests! (He is going to be the death of me!)
He seemed to understand when his teacher and I impressed that he needed to make sure - from now on - to mark in his Agenda, when a test was coming up.
He seemed to understand when his teacher and I impressed that he needed to - from now on - pay attention during the review.
He seemed to understand when his teacher and I impressed that he needed to - from now on - complete the review sheet in order to receive an extra 5 points.
He seemed to understand when his teacher and I impressed that he needed to - from now on - study for these TESTS!
He says he understands now!
We will see!
So ... we completed our conference and we were all smiling.
Somehow, we got on the subject of students in middle school and high school taking foreign languages. We were telling Little Billy that it would be good if he took Spanish - as we live in Texas and Spanish sure comes in handy.
Little Billy quickly said, "I want to take French."
His teacher and I just giggled and she said, "Well ... that would be good too."
Then Little Billy changed his mind and said, "No ... I really want to take British."
*blink blink*
I look at his teacher and she looks at me. She does not say a word and I can tell she is trying to hold back a smile. She's not sure - not sure, I guess - whether or not I know - that this is ridiculous and so she seems to wait for me to make a move - to smile or something.
I smile.
She smiles.
I look over at my genius of a son, who, by the way, is now speaking in a British accent (that he does very well) and I say, "Hon - you can't take British. British isn't a language. Do you know what language they speak in Great Britain?"
He, in his exaggerated British accent, says, "No I don't - but I want to learn it."
On the upside ... On the way to our car, I explain to my son that they speak... ENGLISH in Great Britain and that ... while his accent is adorable and pretty darn accurate as far as I can tell - to ... not ever say that again to anyone - EVER! He asked, "Why," and I told him ... in my most fabulous British accent, "Because ... it makes you look like a bloomin' idiot, Sweetie." I think he understood.