My son.
He is a candy junkie!
He is a soda junkie!
If I had a dime for every time that child has asked me, "Mom, can I have a Coke?" I could fill a rather large polar bear bank! And ... for every time I have said, "NO!" to this question ... I could fill another rather large polar bear bank!
Recently, I have gotten on him about not only constantly asking for the sodas, but also I have told him over and over again how they are not good for him and I don't understand why he can't just drink milk, juice or water. I told him just a few days ago, "The human body needs at least 8 glasses of water a day."
He said, "Coke has water in it."
I told him that that obviously was not the same and went on my way.
A while later, my older daughters and I were sitting in the family room and we heard Little Billy in the kitchen. He suddenly announced, slamming his glass down hard on the counter next to the sink, "That's eight!" and then he ran upstairs."
Apparently, he stood at the faucet, poured himself 8 glasses of water and chugged them down, one after the other.
Courtney, Chloe and I laughed - that he only had to say these two words and we knew exactly what he was talking about, yet he didn't realize we heard him. It was funny!
On the upside ... I don't know what possessed him to guzzle those 8 glasses of water - whether he just took me serious about the human body thing ... or he figured if he drank them and then asked me for a soda, I might just then say yes. He's pretty smart ... I'd bet on the latter.