Fashion Models + Life

Child ... Pull Me Quickly From This Dark Place

She sat alone in her car.

The rain fell softly on the roof as she stared out the front windshield through the raindrops trickling down the glass. The light on a high pole nearby, allowed her to see the puddles swelling on the concrete and the chain linked fence that separated her from the ball field.

The silence that surrounded her, befriended the rhythm of the wipers swishing back and forth, the patter of drops hitting the roof over her head and the soft country music floating on a soothing cloud of notes and lyrics from the radio.

She stared into the dark night and she waited.

Her mind was free of cluttered thoughts and the sense of peace was a welcome relief. She settled back in her car seat and let out a soft sigh. She closed her eyes.

She was at ease in her moment of solitude. She was completely at ease.

But then it came over her ... like a thrashing ocean wave. Out of nowhere, a sudden sensation of panic. A flash of fear.

Chills raced over her body and her eyes flashed open. She became quickly and overwhelmingly frightened.

She reluctantly mulled over the thoughts that were invading her peaceful mind.

The previous soothing sound of the rain and the music suddenly began to blend with the chaotic fear and formed a cloud around her and in her ears that rang loud and out of control.

Her breath quickened and her heart raced.

Her mind took control and forced forward the black thoughts.

Her mind wanted to ponder.

Not thoughts of peace or quiet. Not conscience thoughts. Not ideas or plans or chores. Her mind wandered and settled on a subject she seldom contemplated. A subject she avoided. Her mind

wanted to go ...

into ...

the darkness.

To linger ...

To dwell ...

She struggled to distract her determined mind, but the thoughts forced their way through and she was confronted and afraid.

It had been many years since she had dwelt on these thoughts. Been consumed, even. She tried to wish the thoughts away. To coax her mind around and about and to calm her frightened heart.

She searched her surroundings. Her eyes darting over the dashboard, down to the floor - out the windows.

She turned the volumn up on the radio.

She tried to relax and close her eyes.

For a while ... she was crippled. She was alone and she was paniced.

But then ...

a loud knock came at her window.

She breathed in and opened her eyes.

It was her daughter's face ...

she sighed deeply.

Suddenly ... her heart settled and her breathing slowed.

The chills vanished.

The music softened and the rain was no longer pounding in her ears.

She felt warmth.

Silently ...

she thanked her child for pushing the thoughts away.

For reaching in and ... pulling her back.

For rescueing her from the dark thoughts.

From the dark place.

She looked into her daughter's eyes ...

she smiled.

She unlocked the door.

Just Thoughts, and more:

Child ... Pull Me Quickly From This Dark Place + Life