Fashion Models + memes

Seven Random Things

I have been tagged again for the 7 Random Things Meme by Forgetfulone and also by Mary @ Happenings Today - thanks ladies for thinking of me.

So, I am going to list 14 things and here it goes:

1. I am a lot funnier in my head - than I am in real life. I can be funny - when I am around the right people (like a few of my closest friends and my family), but I am not one of those people that humor comes to quickly or easily - except inside my head. In my head ... I am HYSTERICAL! This is also true about how I perceive myself - I am way better looking in my head - than I am in real life! Also ... a lot smaller.

2. We have a ghost in our house. Our house is about 40 years old and the ghost lives in the hallway that leads to our bedrooms. When I (and my mother) have seen this ghost, he is always crossing the hallway (from my twins' bedroom) and goes into the bathroom. He wears a black trench-like coat, black boots and black hat (like in cowboy movies). The neighborhood we live in is well known for a particular Indian Tribe living here. I believe this ghost is from that time. My mother and I are the only ones to have ever seen him, but I have seen him at least 25 times over the past 13 years. It has been a while since I have seen him and I have recently began to believe that he has moved from the hallway to my bedroom and sits at the foot of my bed (as I feel the bed move, like someone is sitting - jump up even to see who is there - like one of my kids or a cat - and there is never anyone there. I usually have to then, pull the covers over my head so the ghost won't come near me). I've never been afraid of this ghost - and I am not one to really believe in this sort of thing - but he does live in my house.

3. On a scale of 1 - 10, if you were to ask me how happy I am in my life ... I'd have to say that I am at a 10. And, this is not something that I have just suddenly come to realize - I think I have been at a 10 for a lot of my life. I seldom feel as though my life could be any better. I don't believe that is true of very many people and I feel fortunate to be able to say that. I thank God often for blessing me and for giving me my wonderful life.

4. I totally believe in God. I believe he is standing next to me and guiding me - all the time. I truly believe he is completely aware of how much I love him.

5. Something I hate ... let me list something I hate. I hate "high-maintenance" friends. I want my friends to be simple. I want to be able to call you and say, "What are you doing?" and I want you to tell me, "I'm mopping the kitchen floor." I want you to know that I care about that - I want you to know that you can tell me that, even though it may seem insignificant - I want for that to be how simple our relationship is - that we talk about stupid crap and can turn that stupid crap into an hour long, ridiculously funny, memorable conversation. I want my friends to be completely and emotionally capable of dealing with me and me with them - on the simplest and purest level - no pretenses. I am too old and too tired to have to figure you out - I don't have the patience for that anymore.

6. I do not like spaghetti, pancakes, watermelon, sloppy Joe's, peanuts, cinnamon rolls or pretzels. I can eat all these things, but I don't like them.

7. I am nocturnal. I've always been a night-owl and love the night. I also love a dark room and seldom turn on many lights in the room I am in. I also turn off lights in every room that I think is too bright. My family is just the opposite and are always turning on every light in the room and I go behind them and turn most of them off. My mother complains constantly that I should open the blinds or turn on a light. I like the way a dark room, a cloudy day or the night makes me feel - cozy and closed in. I do, however, also ... worship the sun and love summer and stay outdoors a lot when it is hot.

8. I'd rather give a gift, than receive a gift. I love buying gifts and am always looking for a reason or occasion to do so. I think I drive my friends crazy because I buy gifts often for, what seems like, crazy reasons. I love buying gifts.

9. I keep a lot of lists. I am a list maker. I get this from my Dad - he was and is a list maker. I have lists to keep up with my lists.

10. I am drawn to clocks. I am also drawn to lamps, vacuum cleaners, socks, rugs and throw pillows. I have to talk myself out of buying these items every time I go into any store.

11. I often look at my husband and think, "He is so handsome - how did I get such a handsome man?"

12. We have 9 TVs in our house and one in my van. There is always a TV on, somewhere in our house - sometimes many are on. I keep a TV on at all times when I am home alone - for the noise. I turn the TV on as soon as I wake up. I don't watch TV, hardly ever, during the day ... but it is always on. It is on right now in my bedroom and I have no idea what channel it is on or what show is on.

13. If I had to admit to one regret I have in my life, it would be that I did not do more with my life. While I am completely content and happy with how my life has turned out and totally happy with everything that it is ... I believe that I honestly have not reached or lived up to my true potential. I wish I had had more drive, direction, ambition and detailed goals, when I was younger that might have led me to pursue a path of something that I loved (like animals or art or writing).

14. I do not like to walk or run - anywhere. I don't know why ... but I don't want to do either. I don't have any desire to hike or enter marathons or walk from the farthest parking spot in any lot. I am not a lazy person and I don't think there is anyone in my life that would say that I am - but I don't want to walk or run - ANYWHERE!

Thanks again to Forgetfulone and Mary @ Happenings Today for tagging me for this meme. I know I am supposed to tag seven more people, but I am going to leave this tag open and if you'd like to take it and do it - consider yourself tagged.

Life, and more:

Seven Random Things + memes