Hosted by Cecily and Mama Geek
It's true ----
I have lots of shoes.
I have shoes in just about every color.
I have flat shoes and tall shoes ...
I have lots of ... tall shoes.
And ... I have boots.
I have tons of boots - in brown leather and black leather and off white and tan and red and leopard print. Lots of boots.
I have shoes in polka dots and checks.
I have shoes adorned with rhinestones and sequins and gems.
I have not worn all the shoes I have.
There ---
I said it.
I buy them and sometimes I don't ever even wear them.
Like these purple shoes:
I bought these shoes last year for $10.00. I've never worn these purple shoes anywhere, but I had to buy them because ... they were only $10.00!
I have to say - these shoes don't look too awful bad in these photos, but in real life - they look like elf shoes. The toes are an odd point and the bows are tweed.
I have yet to wear these purple elf shoes, but ... I'm still keeping them - you never know when or where I might wear them.
I think shoes definitely make an outfit and can tell you an awful lot about a person.
(These are my Queen shoes - I wear them with my furs, diamonds and tiara - hee hee).
I LOVE these shoes. I also have them in black.
I am one of those people that you never know what shoes I might be wearing.
I am honestly toooo old to be wearing some of the shoes I choose to wear - but - I don't care - I still wear them.
I'm also probably toooo un-cool to be wearing some of the shoes I try to pull off - I don't care - I still wear them.
Then - there are those shoes I think are cool - that really aren't - and, my kids don't hesitate to let me know how lame they are.
I wear some shoes - honestly - that have way more personality than I do!
I do like shoes.
I have said it before - I do not have enough places or opportunities to ever wear all the shoes I own and yet ... I keep all of them and ... continue to bring home more shoes to add to my collection. One day ... my shoe closet is going to be so heavy that I am afraid it might just fall right through the floor into the garage below.
When that happens ...
I'll have to walk all the way downstairs ...
To get my shoes.